Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Two Years On...

Monday held a breakfast date with my husband at Portobello Beach, a champagne afternoon tea at The Dome on George Street, Edinburgh as a treat from a friend and a lovely e-mail from a client who took part in my very first speaker training course that I delivered as a freelancer.

I have asked Rhoda’s permission to share her email:

‘I just wanted to encourage you that two years later and I’m still using your material. It has revolutionised the way I do presentations and I still tell others about it… Thank you again for your super course and I really hope that many people are benefitting from your wisdom and wonderful teaching style.’

Keeping this blog post short and sweet! But if you would like to join my next course (held in Edinburgh) on January 13th, 20th & 27th then please get in touch at jenny@jennifercornfield.com. For more information simply check the blog post below!


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